A mommy makeover is a good option for women who have finished having children and want to regain their pre-pregnancy body. It includes several plastic surgery procedures in one treatment and usually at least includes a combination of a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, or breast augmentation procedures. All procedures are performed in one surgery, reducing the costs and downtime of having multiple surgeries.
One of the most important aspects of a mommy makeover is knowing what to expect during recovery, the experience of which can vary depending on the procedures you choose to have. The more you know about how best to recover ahead of time, the easier it will be to keep all the instructions provided by Dr. Mosharrafa.
Have Someone Drive You Home
You should have someone drive you home from your mommy makeover. The procedure requires general anesthesia, which means you can’t drive after waking up. You should also have a caregiver stay with you for at least the first 24 hours after recovery to help you with essential everyday tasks.
Schedule Time Off
You must schedule time off work to rest and recover from a mommy makeover. The amount of downtime needed varies based on the types of procedures you have, which is why it’s always best to follow the instructions that either Dr. Tamir or Dr. Ali Mosharrafa give you on how to properly recover from your specific surgery. People who undergo multiple plastic surgeries usually need one to two weeks before returning to light activity.
Get Help Around the House
Recovering from a mommy makeover means you won’t be able to perform everyday tasks like normal for a few weeks. You should make arrangements before your surgery to ensure that someone can clean the house, care for your kids, cook, and do whatever else needs to be done. This gives you a chance to relax so you can recuperate from your surgery without worrying about daily chores and needs.
Take Medication as Prescribed
Dr. Mosharrafa will prescribe certain medications to you after your mommy makeover to aid in your recovery. Make sure to take them as prescribed, even if it means waking up in the middle of the night to take a dose.
Prepare Supplies Ahead of Time
You will need to prepare some supplies ahead of your mommy makeover. It’s helpful to gather entertainment materials to be on hand where you’ll be resting during the day, and you should also make sure you have lots of comfortable, loose clothing, the necessary compression garments, and an elevated pillow on which to rest if so instructed by Dr. Mosharrafa.
Avoid Blood Thinners
Before and after your mommy makeover, you will be instructed to stop or adjust your use of blood thinners. That can include aspirin, ibuprofen, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Don’t use any of these medicines for three weeks before your surgery or up to two weeks after it. It can lead to complications like excessive bleeding.
Sleep in an Elevated Position
While recovering from a mommy makeover, you should sleep in a comfortable, neutral position. The best is on your back with your head and shoulders elevated. You can purchase pillows designed for surgery recovery or simply prop up the pillows on your bed to achieve this.
Learn More About Mommy Makeover Surgery
If you’re located in the Phoenix, Arizona area and want more information about what the mommy makeover surgery looks like from start to finish, contact Mosharrafa Plastic Surgery to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Ali or Dr. Tamir Mosharrafa. Start the conversation today by calling (602) 975-4690 or filling out a contact form online.
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Dr. Ali and Dr. Tamir understand that you have made an important decision by choosing to undergo plastic surgery, and they are committed to delivering the exceptional results you expect and deserve.