
Serving Phoenix, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley and Nearby Areas of Arizona

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery performed each year. It uses implants to enhance the size, shape, and projection of the breasts, balancing the overall profile of the body. Many women find that a breast augmentation procedure has a life-changing impact, delivering the boost in self-confidence that often comes when you are satisfied with your look.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation?

Breast enhancement can have a dramatic impact on your appearance, providing you with a more proportionate and balanced body contour. As a result, your procedure can not only improve the appearance of your breasts but your overall appearance.

You can achieve much more than a larger breast size from breast augmentation.

The procedure provides a variety of benefits, including:

  • Improved breast shape
  • Restoration of lost volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging
  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • More attractive and visible cleavage
  • Improved breast projection
  • Expanded wardrobe options
  • Improved appearance in revealing clothing

There are many other reasons women choose breast augmentation, most feel in general that their appearance would be improved with larger breasts.

Your Customized Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast implant surgery comes with a wide array of options to consider. During your consultation, you will discuss your preferences for each of these factors and many others.

Breast Implant Type

The two main types of implants are made with a silicone shell and contain either saline or silicone filling. Each has its benefits— for example, many women find that silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissue, but can require monitoring for ruptures. Conversely, ruptures are easier to detect with saline implants, but they can produce visible rippling. We also offer gummy bear implants as a third option, although they still contain silicone filling. Your plastic surgeon can discuss the pros and cons of each type during a private consultation.

Implant Placement

During a breast augmentation procedure, implants can be placed either underneath the chest muscle or on top of it. In both cases, a pocket is formed within the breast tissue to accommodate the implant. Both placement options come with benefits and can affect your recovery in different ways.

Incision Type

Incisions can be made underneath the breast fold, around the areolae, or within the armpit. Each offers benefits and can depend on your implant choice. With each option, scarring can be easily concealed.

Additional Procedures

Breast augmentation can often be more effective when paired with additional procedures. The most common option is a breast lift to reshape the breast and reduce sagging. Liposuction is another option to further contour and shape the upper chest for more defined results. Breast augmentation can also be performed using fat grafting. When patients opt for a tummy tuck at the same time as breast augmentation, it is often called a mommy makeover.

Expert Surgeons


Mosharrafa Plastic Surgery has been providing a comprehensive range of plastic surgery services to men and women in the Phoenix area since 1996. Dr. Ali Mosharrafa and Dr. Tamir Mosharrafa were born in the Twin Cities, completed their training in Texas, and have been practicing in the Phoenix area ever since.

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Am I a Good Breast Augmentation Candidate?

Ideal breast augmentation candidates:

  • Would like to improve the appearance of their breasts
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of their procedure
  • Are in good general health
  • Have enough natural breast tissue to cover the implant
  • Are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are near their ideal body weight
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to quit smoking prior to their procedure and throughout the recovery period

In addition, there are certain age restrictions imposed by the FDA. You must be at least 18 years old to get saline breast implants and 22 years old to get silicone breast implants.

Three Types Of Breast Augmentation Incisions

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Breast Augmentation Recovery

In order to achieve the best possible results, it is important to follow our aftercare instructions very carefully. This will ensure a smooth recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Prior to surgery, we will provide you with detailed written instructions for you to follow, and we will go through these instructions with you in person to make sure you understand each of your steps. In general, it is important to keep the following points in mind:

  • Make sure you arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure since it will be unsafe for you to drive after being under anesthesia. You should also make sure someone is with you at home for the rest of the day to assist you.
  • It is common to experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort during the first week of recovery. Dr. Ali and Dr. Tamir will prescribe medications to help you manage any pain and discomfort. You should take these according to their instructions.
  • You will need to take it easy during the first few days of your recovery. Light walking is encouraged as soon as you are able to, but make sure you refrain from strenuous activities. Dr. Ali and Dr. Tamir will let you know when it is safe to resume normal activities during a follow-up appointment.
  • In most instances, you should be able to return to work after about a week; however, the exact timeframe will be based on how your recovery is moving along as well as the nature of your job.
  • You will see results immediately, but your final results will emerge around 3-6 months after the procedure.

Overall, you should plan on plenty of rest and time off from work or school during your recovery. It is important to follow instructions and allow your body to recover without too much stress. If you experience anything out of the ordinary or have questions, please contact us.

 From start to finish Mosharrafa Plastic Surgery has been hands down the best experience with surgeons in my lifetime. Dr. Tamir preformed a breast augmentation on me and the results are nothing short of miraculous. Going from having less than 1% of breast tissue to 280cc while maintaining natural proportions and listening to my wishes, he accomplished literally the impossible! If you’re even considering plastic surgery, do yourself the BIGGEST favor, and choose Mosharrafa

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Why Choose Mosharrafa Plastic Surgery?

The skill and experience of your plastic surgeon is the most important factor in considering your options for breast augmentation. Both of our board-certified plastic surgeons have been in practice for over 20 years, and very few plastic surgeons in the Phoenix area have the extensive training and experience of Dr. Ali and Dr. Tamir.

Dr. Ali trained under Dr. Frank Gerow, the inventor of the breast implant, at Baylor College of Medicine. During his training with Dr. Gerow, Dr. Ali was able to gain experience working through a wide array of breast problems. Dr. Tamir received similar training at Baylor College of Medicine and at the Comprehensive Breast Care Center at the University of Kentucky Lexington where he trained with some of the best breast surgeons in the field.

Please contact Mosharrafa Plastic Surgery using our online form or call 602-975-3305 to schedule your breast augmentation consultation. We serve patients in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Paradise Valley, Arizona. We are accustomed to caring for patients who travel from out of the area as well. During a consultation, we can discuss your best options for excellent breast augmentation results.

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Am I A Candidate For Breast Augmentation

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Dr. Ali and Dr. Tamir understand that you have made an important decision by choosing to undergo plastic surgery, and they are committed to delivering the exceptional results you expect and deserve.

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Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

Yes. In some cases, breast augmentation surgery does not affect a woman's ability to breast feed.

Can I move my arms after breast augmentation?

Yes. While there may be some activity restrictions following your surgery, you will be able to move your arms and take care of most of your daily needs.

How do I prepare for breast implants?

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Maintain your weight. Do regular self breast exams and get a mammogram if you are over the age of 35 and have not had one within a year.

How painful is breast augmentation recovery?

Recovery from breast augmentation surgery is not terribly painful. While most patients require prescription pain medication, most switch to over-the-counter medications within a few days.

Is breast enlargement possible without surgery?

No. There are some gimmicks out there that promise non-surgical enlargement, but none have been proven to provide real results.

Does getting breast implants make you gain weight?

No. Breast implants weigh approximately the same as natural breast tissue of the same volume. Most implants we use weigh less than 1 pound.

Does insurance cover breast implants?

While some reconstructive procedures using breast implants may be covered by insurance, breast enhancement with implants is a cosmetic procedure.

How dangerous is breast augmentation surgery?

While there are risks associated with all surgeries, breast augmentation surgery is very safe.

How long do breast implants last?

As technology in breast implants improves, they are lasting longer and longer. Leakage within the first 10 years is becoming very uncommon. Implants can last for over 40 years in some cases.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it?

Breast augmentation surgery has one of the highest patient satisfaction reports of any cosmetic procedure. Yes, for nearly every patient who has undergone breast augmentation, it was well worth it.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

Yes. Fat grafting is another option, but is much less predictable and may be more risky than breast implants.

What are gummy bear implant?

Gummy bear is a non-medical term used to describe highly cohesive silicone gel implants. The silicone in these devices is firm enough to allow them to take on a stable shape, some are tear drop shaped, while others are round. They may be slightly more firm than implants filled with less cohesive gel.

What is the most common breast implant size?

This varies greatly among different regions and demographics. Across the country, the most common implant size is around 350 cc.

Whats the safest breast implant?

Breast implants have been studied very extensively and have been shown to be safe. Recently, there has been an association between implants with a roughly textures surface and a very rare form of lymphoma. Thus far, no smooth surfaced implants have been associated with this disease.

Are breast implants under warranty?

Yes. Most manufacturers provide a warranty on implants that covers leakage, capsular contracture and in some cases late fluid collections. They vary slightly, but most provide replacement implants and in certain cases financial assistance for the replacement surgery.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

Yes. It is not uncommon to see intact breast implants that are 30 or even 40 years old.

Can fat be transferred to breasts?

Yes. Fat grafting to the breasts is commonly done to improve minor contour irregularities, or may also be used to add volume.

Do breast implants cause autoimmune disease?

No. This is another common myth. There is no scientific evidence that breast implants cause any autoimmune disease.

Do breasts sag after breast augmentation?

Unfortunately, breast augmentation surgery does not turn off gravity. Fortunately, the capsule that forms around the implant does provide good soft tissue support for the implant. Over time, implants can shift a bit and the natural breast can sag as well.

Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?

No. This is a common myth about breast implants. As long as the device is intact, it does not need to be replaced an any designated time.

How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?

If it is a saline implant, leak is usually easily seen as a loss of volume on one side. With silicone implants, it can be more difficult to detect a leak. If one is suspected, an MRI is the best study to identify a leaking silicone breast implant.

How long are breast augmentation incisions sore?

Incisional pain rarely lasts more than a few days.

What are Natrelle breast implants?

Natrelle is a brand name for Allergan's line of smooth round silicone gel breast implants. There are many different sizes and styles within the Natrelle line so that there truly is a perfect implant for each patient.

Will Cigna cover breast augmentation?

Insurance companies will not cover breast augmentation except under some unique circumstances.

Can breast implants cause pain years later?

Pain years after breast implantation is usually the result of a late capsular contracture, which is extremely rare. In most cases, this can be resolved with a secondary procedure to address the contracture.

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

The first indication of capsular contracture is a firm breast. More advanced cases may show some visible distortion of the breast or even be painful.

how much does breast augmentation cost?

This depends on the type of implant used, but cost ranges from $5,000 - $7,000.

What are cohesive breast implants?

Cohesive is a term that refers to the nature of the silicone gel within the implant. All silicone implants since the late 1980's are made of a cohesive form of silicone gel. This means that the silicone is not a liquid. There are different degrees of cohesiveness and your surgeon will help you chose the right implant for your individual procedure.

What can go wrong with breast implants?

The most common problems include infection, displacement, capsular contracture, exposure and leakage. Fortunately, all of these are very uncommon.

What is the average cost of a breast augmentation?

Average cost of a breast augmentation is around $6,000

What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast augmentation is a procedure to enlarge the breasts. It is most commonly performed using devices called breast implants, but can be done without a breast implant (typically with fat grafting). Breast implants are the devices used for breast augmentation. They can be filled with silicone or saline.

What are the different types of breast implants available?

There are many different types of breast implants available today, including saline, silicone, gummy bear implants, round implants, and textured implants.

How do I choose the right breast implant size?

Dr. Mosharrafa will help you discover the right breast implant size for you. It will depend on your body proportions, your current breast size, and the results you’re looking for.

What is the difference between submuscular and subglandular implant placement?

Submuscular implant placement is when the breast implant is placed under the pectoralis or chest muscle, while subglandular implant placement is when the breast implant is inserted above the chest muscle but below the glandular tissue of the breasts.

How long does a breast augmentation procedure typically take?

Breast augmentation typically takes 1-2 hours.

When can I return to work after breast augmentation surgery?

We typically recommend patients take 1-2 weeks off work, but it can depend on the type of work they do and how physically demanding it is.

Will breast augmentation affect my ability to exercise or participate in sports?

Initially yes, breast augmentation will affect your ability to exercise, but with proper recovery, you can return to exercise and sports within a few months.

Are there any age restrictions for getting breast implants?

Yes. Silicone implants are FDA-approved for patients 22 and older, and saline implants are FDA-approved for individuals 18 years old and older.

Can breast augmentation be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Absolutely! Breast augmentation can be combined with a breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and more.

How soon after breast augmentation can I wear regular bras?

Most patients need to wait 4-6 weeks before they can wear a regular bra after breast augmentation.

What are the potential risks of breast implant illness (BII)?

Some of the risks associated with breast implant illness include fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, breast pain, headaches, sleep disturbances, and skin rashes.